Made from strong double or single truss beams, hull roof shelters make great storage, work and factory areas, packing sheds and aircraft hangars. Hot air rises to apex whilst wind slips drag free across roof.
Available in single and double double truss beams Dome Arch Shelters are available up to 40 meters wide. They have a myriad of uses, e.g. ultra-lites, packing sheds, agri and work site shelters.
Fabric Structures make excellent hangars, shade and temporary workshops for aviation and air strips. Beat the heat and hail with low conduction fire proof fabrics. Strong but fully relocatable beams.
Fabric Structures are used for many types of sports halls, e.g. ice rinks, tennis courts, basketball courts, gymnastics studios and indoor cricket. Double Truss frames add extra strength and stability to the structure.
Clear Span Arch Shelters are considered safer if there is a chance equipment or vehicles can clip the canopy. We now have access to clear span up to 40 meters wide, and all of our popular Australian models.
Containers make strong fire proof supports with lock up storage, for fixed or temporary needs. Canopies are available up to 27 meters . We will resume retailing smaller structures with recyclable covers by May 2023.
Industrial Tents with aluminium beams can be basic or glam and be used for short and long term needs globally. They offer the largest width/length/height ratios; can have solid walls and are good value big spaces.
Inflatable Structures have been deployed in Europe and USA for decades for events and sports halls. They have a role to play in Australia and will introduce Recyclable Air Tube structures for events and industrial jobs.
Pavilions are engineered fabric structures that can be as basic or prestige as you are willing to invest. These types of structures are found as Stadiums, Arenas, Exhibit and Event premises as roof features and enclosures.
2024 Relocatable Structures come in many shapes and sizes.
Arch Shelter specializes in
Light Buildings
and Structures
for many private and industry requirements.
Tell us your needs and we will design, source, and arrange manufacture.
Splash Structures our portable buildings division,
will handle installations. We are moving into sustainable solutions.
This website has been optimized as an introduction to Regional Districts of Australia.
though some of our international suppliers can do this for used larger structures i.e. 20 meters wide plus. We can arrange leasing for most structures and can on occasion locate Used and Ex Rentals particularly from the Events and Exhibition Industries from Europe or China.